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Stroke Clinic

Our  Stroke Clinic is a centre for the diagnosis, management, and prevention of stroke and cerebrovascular disorders. The highest treatment standards are met in terms of treatment duration and cutting technology. The TPA therapy is aided by newly technologically advanced and approved mechanical devices capable of directing dissolving and breaking up clots within the brain . Our clinic offers expert care from 8:30 am to 4:00pm on OP Basis and IP on 24/7 basis.

The stroke unit involves a dedicated ICU and a stroke in-patient ward with a team of dedicated doctors and multidisciplinary experts including stroke specialists, neurologists, neurosurgeons, and neuro physiotherapists. The department provides state-of-the-art care in stroke management.

Scope of Service:

  • Stroke Prevention Services
  • Stroke Rehabilitation
  • Transient ischemic stroke
  • Ischemic attack
  • Hemorrhagic Stroke
Dr. Sreekumar J

Neuroscience and Research Centre
Stroke Clinic
